Effects of Center Based vs. Telerehabilitation using an Interval and Continuous Aerobic Training among Post-Coronary Revascularization Patients-A Randomized Controlled Trial

Exercise in Post-Coronary Revascularization Patients


  • Fatima Zehra Jinnah University for Women https://orcid.org/0009-0005-2267-3104
  • Muhammad Usman Khan Ziauddin University
  • Sanaullah Junejo South City Hospital, Karachi
  • Ammanullah Khan Hamdard University
  • Sabrina Memon Physical Wellness Center, Karachi


Aerobic Exercises, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Coronary Artery, Physical Activity


Background: This investigation used continuous aerobic and high-intensity interval training to compare the differences between centre-based and telerehabilitation. This study seeks to identify the most efficient rehabilitation strategy positioned to empower patients on their path to recovery and well-being in the contemporary era of cardiac care.

Methodology: The study was a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial involving 80 patients who had undergone coronary revascularization procedures, were enrolled in the cardiac rehabilitation department, and were eligible for Phase-III CR. Patients were divided into Group A, receiving centre-based Continuous Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise, 3–4 days a week, at 50%-70% of MHR. Group B received high-intensity interval-based training for 3–4 days and at four subsequent intervals. Telerehabilitation was conducted with Group C following the same protocol as Group A and Group D following the same protocol as Group B, while each group had n=20 participants.

Results: The within-group analysis showed significant improvements in the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) and Self-reported Seven-Day Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAR) across all groups (p<0.001). Significant improvements in the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) were found in Groups A and B (p<0.05). ANOVA results indicated that centre-based rehabilitation was significantly more effective than telerehabilitation in improving 6MWT and RPE scores (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Centre-based intervention is more effective than telerehabilitation in Phase-III Cardia Rehabilitation patients. However, high-intensity interval-based training was more effective in centre-based, while continuous moderate-intensity aerobic exercise was effective in telerehabilitation.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59564/amrj/02.02/005

Author Biographies

Fatima Zehra, Jinnah University for Women

Chairperson, Department of Physical Therapy

Muhammad Usman Khan, Ziauddin University

Principal, College of Physical Therapy Sukkur, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Sanaullah Junejo, South City Hospital, Karachi

Consultant Cardiac Surgeon

Ammanullah Khan, Hamdard University

Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy

Sabrina Memon, Physical Wellness Center, Karachi



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