Advocating Problem-Based Learning in Physiotherapy Education in Pakistan

PBL in Physiotherapy Education


  • Danish Zaman Ziauddin Univeristy
  • Ushna Asif Karachi Institute of Health Sciences
  • Aqsa Nawaz Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre
  • Areeba Khan Ziauddin University


Problem-Based Learning, Physiotherapy Education, Pakistan, Educational Reform


This letter advocates for integrating Problem-Based Learning (PBL) into physiotherapy education in Pakistan to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical practice. Highlighting the current reliance on traditional teaching methods, it emphasizes PBL's potential to enhance critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and lifelong learning skills essential for effective patient care. Recognizing challenges in adoption due to institutional size and resource constraints, the letter calls for research to evaluate PBL's impact on student satisfaction, competencies, and lifelong learning outcomes, underscoring the need for educational reform in the evolving healthcare landscape of Pakistan.


Author Biographies

Danish Zaman, Ziauddin Univeristy

Lecturer, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Ushna Asif, Karachi Institute of Health Sciences

Lecturer, College of Physiotherapy

Aqsa Nawaz, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre

House Officer

Areeba Khan, Ziauddin University

Senior Lecturer, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences


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