Resistance Exercise for Patients with COPD: A Systematic Review of Existing Literature

Resistance Exercise For Patients With COPD


  • Ather Hashmi Ziauddin University
  • Sagar Kumar Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, Clifton Karachi
  • Huzaifa Ather Rajar Ziauddin University
  • Hafiza Javeria Iqra University
  • Muhammad Faisal Ziauddin University
  • Saima Ali Ziauddin University


COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, resistance training, exercise, aerobic exercise, anerobic exercise, pulmonary function, exercise capacity, health status, lung compliance, fev1, fvc, minute ventilation, dumbbells', resistance band, endurance exercises, systematic review


COPD is not only ranked third major cause of death globally, but also a causative of quite high number
morbidities.  Various treatment strategies are taken in account in the standard practice as well as under
research and innovation banner. In accordance to this a systematic review was conducted to determine the
effectiveness of various modes of resistance training among COPD patients. Cochrane, PeDro, Embas,
Cinhrl, Pubmed, and Google Scholar databases were searched for relevant research articles. After scrutiny
9 articles were incorporated in the review as per the criteria. The characteristic and finings of all the
studies were summarized in the table and risk of bias was evaluated using Cochrane’s checklist for risk
of bias. On qualitative analysis, 6 out for 9 studies favored the effectiveness of resistance training among
COPD patients on different outcome measures. However, further gaps of were also identified among the
studies claimed in significant or no change in this context. Moderate to mild risk of bias was found the
indexed articles.


Author Biographies

Ather Hashmi, Ziauddin University

Senior Lecturer, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Sagar Kumar, Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, Clifton Karachi

Senior Physiotherapist, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Huzaifa Ather Rajar, Ziauddin University

Senior Lecturer, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Hafiza Javeria , Iqra University

Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences

Muhammad Faisal, Ziauddin University

Senior Lecturer, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences


Saima Ali, Ziauddin University

Assistant Professor, College of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences


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Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses