The Convergence of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Therapeutics, and Biomedical Electronics in the field of Speech-Language Therapy

AI and Digital Innovations in Speech Therapy


  • Kehkashan Kanwal College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University
  • Zahra Ibrahim College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University
  • Amina Asif Siddiqui College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University


Artificial Intelligence, Brain-Computer Interface, Digital Therapeutics, Speech-language Therapy


Speech-language therapy (SLT) has traditionally relied on the art of human expertise and manual, traditional therapeutic techniques. Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), digital therapeutics, and biomedical electronics have changed this landscape. This paper reviews how all these technologies are combined, focusing on their current applications, potential benefits, and future directions in speech-language therapy. AI applications in speech recognition and natural language processing provide evaluations and treatment tailored to the needs of the patients. Digital therapeutics, such as applications and online platforms, complement these traditional techniques with interactive exercises and real-time feedback. Biomedical electronics like biofeedback, wearable devices, and brain-computer interfaces have offered novel solutions in diagnostics and therapy. Improvements like these have raised patient outcomes and access to therapy, thus enabling data-driven therapy plans. Many ethical concerns, especially regarding the accuracy of the AI models and technology integration into the clinic, are of high priority. These barriers can be overcome in further research to benefit SLT from these technologies.


Author Biographies

Kehkashan Kanwal, College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University

Assistant Professor

Zahra Ibrahim, College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University

Senior Lecturer

Amina Asif Siddiqui, College of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Ziauddin University

Principal and Associate Professor


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