Awareness of Rotavirus Vaccine among Health Care Providers and Parents/Guardians: A Systematic Review

Rotavirus Vaccine Awareness in Community


  • Dr. Abdul Sattar Chandio Directorate General Health Services Sindh, Hyderabad
  • Dr. Nazir Ahmed Rind Office of the Director General Health Services Sindh Hyderabad
  • Dr. Imtiaz Khuwaja Chemonics International
  • Dr. Ayaz Latif Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre


Awareness, Guardians, Healthcare Providers, Rotavirus


Background: Diarrhea is a top cause of death in children under five, mainly due to rotavirus. Despite effective vaccines, death rates remain high in developing areas because of low vaccination coverage. This review aims to assess the awareness and knowledge about rotavirus and its vaccine among healthcare workers and parents/guardians.

Methodology: A search was conducted on Scopus, CINAHL, Google Scholar, and PubMed for studies from 2020 to 2024, using keywords related to rotavirus, awareness, and healthcare. The review evaluated the awareness and knowledge of those caring for children under five about the virus and its vaccine, excluding non-English or incomplete studies. Data were organized in Microsoft Excel by author, year, and study design.

Results: Of the 1078 articles, seven met the inclusion criteria. Findings indicate a lack of knowledge about the vaccine among parents/guardians, especially in lower socio-economic areas. At the same time, healthcare providers were more aware of barriers such as cost and availability.

Conclusion: Significant knowledge gaps exist regarding the rotavirus vaccine among parents and healthcare workers. Efforts to educate and train, alongside policy interventions, are critical to increase vaccination rates and reduce rotavirus-related deaths in children.


Author Biographies

Dr. Abdul Sattar Chandio, Directorate General Health Services Sindh, Hyderabad

Deputy Director General

Dr. Imtiaz Khuwaja, Chemonics International

District Coordinator

Dr. Ayaz Latif, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre

House Officer


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